History & Constitution

The Network of International Business and Economics School (NIBES) was founded in May 1996 at Tours, France.

Philosophical Statement
We believe, that a global network should be based on the following principles. First, each school respects the other network members and regards them as having high-quality students, faculty and programs. Second, a basic trust for network partner schools exists and, as such, open, honest and collaborative sharing occurs. Third, we assume that synergy will be a result of actively participating in the network (i.e. that the accrued benefits will be greater than the sum of parts.) This agreement does not, however, limit or obligate any member from working with other institutions or networks.

The Constitution of the Network of International Business and Economics Schools NIBES
Article 1 (Principles)
Members of this global network of university level institutions accept the following basic principles.
1. Each school respects the procedures, standards and quality assurance mechanisms of other network members.
2. The principle aim of the network is to improve educational co-operation between members based on mutual trust.
3. Members expect that over time there will be mutual benefits or synergy from active participation in the network.
4. The Network shall not engage in political activities.

Article 2 (Name)
The name of the Network shall be “Network of International Business and Economics Schools.” The Network may be referred to as NIBES   

Article 3 (Aims and Objectives)
1. The aim of the network is to support business and economics educational co-operation between member institutions.
2. The objectives of the Network are:
(a) To establish innovative student exchanges, joint academic programs, field-based education (consulting projects, internships, field studies), distance learning, executive education programs, and other programs pertaining to student exchanges;
(b) To establish faculty exchanges, joint research projects, faculty development projects, and other academic programs pertaining to the faculty;
(c) To establish international meetings to benchmark and discuss common problems and opportunities within business and economic international education in general;
(d) Other academic programs as determined by the members of the Annual General Meeting;
(e) Furthermore, as members of the network, we will strive to develop these programs as multilateral initiatives.

Article 4 (Membership)
1. The general rules to membership are as follows:
(a) New members are to be recommended and approved by the majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting;
(b) With a focus on student mobility a balance of countries and regions will be considered when considering new members.
(d) Members that are absent from two consecutive Annual General Meetings will be subject to review of membership rights by the Executive Council and may loose the membership at the respective annual meeting.
(e) Members may terminate their membership by written notification to the Secretary-General, whereby membership termination will be announced at the following Annual General Meeting.

Article 5 (Secretary-General and Executive Council)
1. The Secretary-General shall be the representative officer of NIBES and the Chairperson for the Executive Council.(a) The Secretary-General shall be nominated and elected by the members of the Annual General Meeting;(b) The term of office for the Secretary-General will be two years. A person may not hold this position for more than two consecutive terms.
2. The Executive Council will be the governing body of the Network in charged with the duty of carrying out the objectives.(a) Members of the Executive Council shall consist of the Secretary-General, past Secretary-General, and Chairpersons of the designated Task Forces;(b) A quorum shall consist of one-half of the members of the Executive Council.
3. The Executive Council shall convene once a year at such a place as it may determine.

Article 6 (Annual General Meeting)
1. The Annual General Meeting will be held once each year;
2. The location of the meeting should not be held in the same region twice consecutively;
3. The host for the Annual General Meeting will be responsible for arranging the necessary facilities and accommodation for the members in attendance; the costs will be covered by a conference fee and direct payments of the attendees. The host institution will assure a non-profit orientation.
4. The Chairperson for each Annual General Meeting will be nominated from the host institution;
5. The Secretary-General with the consultation of the host institution shall prepare the Agenda and Schedule for each General Meeting;
6. Each institution will have one vote for each subject of discussion.
7. Absent members may nominate a proxy to vote on their behalf. They must inform the Secretary-General of the proxy at least three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
8. The Annual General Meeting will consider what, if any, funding is needed for the network, and the most appropriate methods for accounting for subscriptions and expenditure.

Article 7 (Special Task Forces and Committees)
For a period of 1-2 years the Annual General Meeting shall establish Task Forces and committees as necessary.

Article 8 (Language)
The official language of the Network for the purpose of meetings shall be English.

Article 9 (Location of Headquarters)
The location of the headquarters of the Network shall be the same location as the educational institution of the Secretary General.

Article 10 (Minutes, Reports and Publications)
1. The Minutes of each Annual General Meeting will be taken by a person nominated by the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General will also be responsible for distributing the Minutes to the member institutions.
2. Reports and publications shall be prepared and shall be published and distributed upon such terms and conditions as the Annual General Meeting shall provide.

Article 11 (Amendments to the Constitution)
Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated by the Executive Council. Amendments will require a two-thirds majority vote of approval of the Executive Council members. After Executive Council approval, the amendment proposal must be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for ratification, which shall require a two-thirds majority vote of approval of all of the members in the network.

Members approved the above constitution on July 4, 2011, at the 16th Annual General Meeting held in Lima, Peru; the updated version replaces former versions of the constitution.