About Nibes

The Network of International Business and Economics Schools (NIBES) is one of the first world-wide active networks of universities with an orientation in business and economics. It was founded with the objective to promote internationalization of the member universities and to promote an understanding of global contexts within business education. Transnational and multilateral mobility of students and faculty as well as scholarly exchange between the partner institutions are the main goals of the cooperation. Over the past decades, the network succeeded in establishing many joint academic programs at Bachelor’s and Master’s level (partly as Double Degree or Joint Degree).

The Network of International Business and Economic School (NIBES) was founded in May 1996 at Tours, France. NIBES currently consists of 20 member universities in 20 countries.

The Secretary General elected at the Annual Conference and the other members of the Board of Directors are steering and representing the network. The term of office of the Secretary General is two years, she/he can be re-elected once. The seat of the network is the university of the acting Secretary General.

Since July 2023 Vesna Zabkar from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) is Secretary General of the network. The other acting board members are Thomas Cleff, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany, George Harada, Hiroshima University of Economics, Japan, Mariella Olivos Rossini, Universidad ESAN, Peru, Jonathon Wood, Brigham Young University, USA, Søren Askegaard, Southern Denmark University, Denmark, Erica Cargill, Robert Gordon University, UK, Marc Lecoutre, ESC Clermont, France and Irena Melua, Caucasus University, Georgia.